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Autore Topic: Tern Cargo Joe C21  (Letto 10599 volte)

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Tern Cargo Joe C21
« il: Ottobre 17, 2012, 12:11:17 am »
### ETC1 Elenco Topic Correlati: cliccare sui TAG arancioni in cima ed in  fondo a questa discussione (altre info sui TAG  qui)

EMERYVILLE, CA (BRAIN) — Folding bike maker Tern and cargo bike maker Xtracycle have teamed up on, you guessed it, a folding cargo bike, the Cargo Joe C21.

The 26-inch wheeled bike will be sold through each brand's retailers with a MSRP of $999.

The Cargo Joe C21 combines Tern's folding Joe C21 with Xtracycle’s “FreeRadical Classic” kit. The 21-speed bike has comfortable, cruiser-like geometry and the FreeRadical's FlatDeck carries cargo or even an extra passenger.

 “I have been an Xtracycle evangelist for ages and rigged up one of my own Tern’s earlier this summer with a FreeRadical. I put around 100 miles on it in the first week. I took it everywhere,” said Steve Boyd, general manager for Tern in North America. “This is a collaboration long in the making and we expect reception to be very positive as more folks leave the car parked in the driveway in favor of a heavy duty hauler like this.”

The $999 price includes two waterproof cargo bags.

More information: and

Per la traduzione affido a chi è più competente!  ;D
(da quello che mi pare di aver capito è la Joe C21 normale della tern con l'aggiunta di un kit aggiuntivo di xtracycle.)

« Ultima modifica: Marzo 16, 2017, 09:46:19 pm by occhio.nero »
Lorenzo - Tern Link P9

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Re:Tern Cargo Joe C21
« Risposta #1 il: Agosto 29, 2015, 10:55:53 am »
Ciao a tutti,
all'eurobike 2015 è stata presentata una versione cargo della tern node, in sostanza la node con l'appendice xtracycle leap (
non so che senso abbia ma realizzazione particolare.
« Ultima modifica: Agosto 29, 2015, 10:58:16 am by bitzo »

Tags: cargo